RatioPlant® SMART


RatioPlant® SMART implants are enossal implants available in various lengths and forms. They are inserted surgically in the bone of the upper and/or lower jaw to anchor functional and aesthetic oral rehabilitation in partially and fully anodont patients. Prosthetic treatment may involve individual crowns, bridges and partial or full dentures, which are connected to RatioPlant® SMART implants through appropriate elements. The RatioPlant® SMART implant system includes surgical, prosthetic and laboratory components and instruments. In principle there are no preferred areas of use for the RatioPlant® SMART implant system.

- Immediate implantation without immediate loading after tooth extraction
- Maximum stability more than twice as high as with other implantation systems
- No bacteriological contamination causing peri-implantitis by gap or pumping effect
- Prevention of bone resorption through stimulation of bone cells in the cancellous area due to optimised distribution of masticatory force
- Double 3D anchoring for better bone growth and anti-twist safeguard
- Patented spacer technology
- Simplification of typical treatment course
- Ergonomic design of surgical kit allows an immediate and failure-free implantation


