Surgeon to Surgeon Workshop Juni 2018


20 implantologists and oral surgeons from the PR of China came to Germany for a study trip and participated with great interest in the Surgeon to Surgeon Workshop.

The first day brought the group to the headquarters of HumanTech Dental. Here they could convince theirselfs during a tour of the production about the quality, the elaborate manufacturing and measuring procedures, as well as the packaging of the products under clean room conditions. In the afternoon Dr. Thilo Munz from Schwäbisch Gmünd talked with an excellent lecture about "Implant surgery and prosthetics with HumanTech Implants". Then there was an intensive exchange of ideas from user to the developing engineers and product managers of HumanTech Dental, which was used very intensively. In a hands-on with sawbone new instruments and procedures were tried.

At the dinner, further thoughts were exchanged and new friendships were made.

As part of the evaluation of the new RatioPlant® ConeCept implant, they were very attentive to a major live surgery in which an edentulous patient had 6 maxillary implants and 2 external sinus lifts. The participants were impressed by the professionally performed operation and organization in the clinic of Dr.Dr. Martin Keweloh, Mutlangen. A lecture on "soft tissue management in dental implantology" rounded off the second workshop day.

We would like to thank the competent speakers and attentive visitors for this great workshop

Surgeon to Surgeon Workshop April 2018 Mutlangen


Participating physicians traveled from Egypt and Jordan to learn more about the RatioPlant Implant Systems and their use. The practical part took place in the clinic of Dr. med. Keweloh, Mutlangen in the form of live surgery and lectures. A visit to our production site convinced the users regarding the high quality and production standards of HumanTech. All participants were completely satisfied with a successful event and were able to travel home with lots of new information.